Blog Post #1

Hi everyone in EDCI 339!

Who am I?

My name is Dawson and I am joining this class abroad from Salt Spring Island (SSI).

Map of Salt Spring Island” by Alex Turner, licensed under CC BY 4.0,

I am very happy to be able to continue my learning journey while no longer located in Victoria. I grew up in Victoria and have spent my whole life (22 years) on Vancouver Island. Only recently did I move with my partner off the island to another island! Why SSI? Salt Spring is a destination that has been close to my family as my mom’s side of the family grew up there. Currently my grandparents are still there.

Meet Roxy

We love the island because it allows us to be closer to nature and walk my family chocolate lab Roxy!

My Educational Journey so far

I am a fifth year Psychology student and I am very passionate and intrigued about what motivates people. I am a very compassionate individual who loves to talk to others and get to know them. What really interests me about psychology recently is the behavioural stream.

Psychology led me to work as a behaviour interventionist (BI) which I have now done for 1 year.

“Hand Reaching for Brain Illustration” by Sarah Mitchell, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, Entrepreneur.india

For those of you who don’t know what this job title is, basically, you work with individuals on the ASD Spectrum to help improve their quality of life by building the skills which they typically struggle with more than those who aren’t on the spectrum.

I have virtual sessions that I do every week, which is a great introduction to talk about how this can relate to the discussion of this course.

Discussion about terms in EDCI 339 A01

The online sessions that I have are a mode of learning. Modes of learning include face-to-face, online, and blended. Face-to-face is the traditional in person learning like in a physical classroom, online is on the internet like on Brightspace, and blended is online but with a set scheduled attendance virtually like on zoom. I prefer online without having a set time to meet with the class because it is more flexible for my busy schedule. Take a look at this video on the advantages and disadvantages of online learning:

Online learning has extended the access to people worldwide and that’s why it is important to know that it follows under something called Distributed Education. Accessed anywhere in the world using technology! Unlike the traditional in class structure with a teacher and classmates present at a certain time.

Open Education, is where learning is for everyone by removing barriers like cost, time, and location. So people in locations that don’t have post-secondary schools nearby or can’t afford it, or don’t have the time; can learn! This blog post is a great example of a free and easily means of open education.


One thought on “Blog Post #1

  1. Hey Dawson,

    Your blog post was a great read. I have been to Salt Spring on a bikepacking trip this summer and I loved its Lavender and Goat Cheese farms, although it is way too hilly for my liking (could be a bit biased). I hope you enjoy your stay there!

    Your experience as a behaviour interventionist is very intriguing as well. I am sure that as much as you help your clients build skills that they struggle with naturally, you also learn from them by seeing the world from their eyes. Such a thing can be very fulfilling, and I would love to hear more about it when we meet virtually.

    Keep it up!

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