Peer Response Post #1- Dylan Stevens

For this response I have focused on Dylan’s post on distributed education, open education, modes of learning and digital literacy.

Hi Dylan.

Thank your for your post! Finding out how the COVID-19 pandemic affected your university experience at the same time as your enrolment in classes is something I can definitely relate to. I love how you put a creative twist when talking about distributed education with that pros and cons list. With your list in mind, the pros outweigh the cons so that must mean it certainly has a positive impact on its new learning structure in our world.

For this response, I wanted to expand on the topic of digital literacy which you introduced. Computers are certainly a huge tool for digital literacy, but it certainly expands to other electronic devices such as cell phones and tablets. Understanding how to effectively use these devices is a key part of digital literacy, and each has its own learning curve. For instance, phones are more compact and have different operating systems compared to computers, while tablets share similarities with phones but feature larger screens that provide a different user experience. My point is that, although computers are a huge part of our digital literacy learning, other devices can also be included that facilitate learning for us in the online world.

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