Peer Response Post #2 –  Mostafa Shalaby

For this response I have focused on Mostafa’s post on distributed education, open education, modes of learning, digital literacy, and digital identity.

Hi Mostafa.

It was great reading about you! Your love for problem-solving is very inspiring. I also appreciate how you value conveying info to others in a way they understand, that is very much needed in this all too complicated world.

To expand upon your post I would like to discuss what you said about digital identity. You mentioned only posting stuff that is authentic, I believe this is very important, especially since we always see a lot of Facebook or Instagram posts of people “living their best lives”, when in fact they could be dealing with a lot of struggles and no one can be there for them because of this façade. My point being, digital identity is sadly, usually, not who we are in real life, but your authentic view of it creates a more personal touch to the term, I appreciate this. You also mentioned keeping your private like private to yourself and friends, this barrier is certainly important and it limits the way that our online presence can evade our personal life. I believe that creating this info separate is healthy because it allows for freedom from the entire world having an evasive opinion on your every life decision.

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