EDCI 339 Blog Post #2

For this post I will reflect on the terms of Pedagogy, learning theories, the role of the instructor and the environment of digital space format.

First off I think it is very valuable to discuss Pedagogy, which is a term that represents how education is given and received. It is the art of teaching education, and the most importantly how students receive, comprehend and integrate this education into their memory. After all, a student’s learning ability can only get them so far, it is the teachers ability to teach that is half, if not most of what’s needed.

Think of it this way:

If we look at a finished painting to be the education fully formed into the minds of students,

Photo by Anna on iStock

then we can see students as the paint, unformed and untouched until…

Photo by Manuta on iStock

mended by the teachers who represent the paintbrushes to create the painting.

Photo by Pranithan on iStock

For me Pedagogy was my influential English teacher in high-school who taught me creativity in the way I write and gave me the stepping stones to allow me to use my writing as the powerful voice inside of me. It is consistent of methods, strategies, and practices of teaching. One of these focus areas are engagement strategies, which is when you as the learner are put into a position to actively engage with the learning material. Just like the teachers who pushed us to speak publicly in front of the class even though we were shaking and uncomfortable, this learning experience gave me the confidence to become a stronger public speaker.

Take a look at this podcast on Pedagogy by Jennifer Gonzalez to deepen your understanding!

The important impact learning has on the student certainly can be discussed through the role of the instructor, especially via an online format. Just like in this course, our instructor is organized and responsive (I know because I’ve emailed him twice already!), vs. an instructor who is disorganized and, for a lack of better words; lazy. There is no doubt that the latter defined instructor can impact the learning journey negatively.

However, all is not to blame on the instructor, when we are placed into an online format with community engagements like discussion and response posts, the students have a major role in the contribution to the overall learning environment.

See this great video on public speaking if you feel you still need to conquer this skill!

There is many learning theories integrated into teaching everyday, as a behaviour interventionist I have extensive knowledge and direct experience with behaviorism, a theory about how our behaviours are greatly impacted by the environment.

Just like when a student raises his hand in class and the teacher allows that student to talk because of the raised hand.

Or in an online format, the behaviour of using AI to write your work, and then the environmental consequence of being flagged for plagiarism affects our learning.

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